Tag Archive for free digital download

Label Update 5/03/2014

This month marks our 5th year as a label! In early May, 2009 we released the first MDK cassette. Since then, we have put out over 35 other releases on vinyl and cassette. Many thanks to everyone who’s supported us, and we’re grateful for all the new friends we’ve met along the way. To honor our customers, this entire month we’re having a 40% off sale on everything in the webstore and free digital downloads of everthing we’ve ever released.

Bandcamp – http://resurrectionrecords.bandcamp.com/
(Free downloads of every release)

Webstore – http://www.getresurrected.com/store/

(%40 discount will be applied at checkout)

Check it out and we hope to make it another 5 years!

xoxo RR

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